
Thursday, 27 October 2011


Lima, the big show, the Peruvian big smoke, city of nearly 9 million. A town of sights and sounds interesting to tourists refreshed from some time on the beach. We decided to check it out, we heard something was going down in the museum of Larco. Something lewd....


Our first three suspects weren´t saying nothing, their lips were sealed - paid off by by the reprobate Incans godfather princes. We tried the shelves next, the hustle and bustle hiding a menace, we found nothing but we could see the museum was bursting with hidden faces. Time to go all the way and face the problem head on. No problem we can´t handle....surely¿

 It was far worse than we thought - the depraved ceremonial hierarchs flaunting their ill gotten-gains for the world to see. We were in trouble....deep trouble...trouble we couldn't handle.

Exiled from the musuem and emprisoned on the Plaza de Armas, we watched the arrival of the the newly appointed president - all pomp and circumstance, nothing but lies and threats.

There was only one way out, and we took it - the catacombs of San Fransisco monastery. We´d never minded coming close to death before, it didn´t bother us now.

The catacombs emerged into bright daylight, with gunsong filtering though the prison bars. We took this as our cue to leave - chartering a bus up somewhere high, evading out enemies by escaping through the local favelas. So long Lima....

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